Dear Parents,
Thank you for your interest in the Royal Flight School. The School is under the Patronage of Royal Court Affairs (RCA) and was established in September 1975 for the children of Royal Flight employees; we now accept children from the wider community but give priority to the employees of Royal Court Affairs and the siblings of current pupils. We have pupils from over 32 countries.
The School was initially located within the Royal Flight Housing compound and moved to its own building in 1987 before the present site opened in May 2016. The new school has its own gymnasium, swimming pool and more space for specialist teachers but there is no plan to increase the number of pupils or classes. Although we are now in wonderful, modern buildings we want to maintain the friendly and inclusive “small school” atmosphere that makes the Royal Flight School special.
The School caters for children aged 3 – 11 with teaching based on a British Curriculum, adapted as appropriate to our needs. Children are taught the core subjects (English, Maths, Design and Technology, History, Geography, Computing and Science) by the Class Teacher and Specialists teach Arabic, Art, Drama, French, Music, P.E. and Swimming. Omani students take Arabic and Islamic Studies as per the requirements of the Ministry of Education. Expatriate children will also take Arabic second language lessons. We set out to equip children with the skills needed for successful learning so that they can gain maximum benefit from our broad and balanced curriculum, moving on to subsequent education without disadvantage.
The environment we provide is a cheerful, energetic and secure one. The breadth and scope of the education allows individual skills to flourish; boys and girls develop their own potential to the full and achieve the highest academic standard of which he or she is capable; helped and encouraged by a committed, able and highly motivated teaching staff. Our school is a very happy one where discipline is firm and caring, based on mutual respect and an understanding of the importance of community life. We expect upright behaviour, good manners and personal integrity.
We are a popular school, consistently oversubscribed, and we maintain Waiting Lists for all year groups. There is no charge to put a child on the Waiting List. When a place becomes available you will be invited to bring your child to School for an assessment. This takes various forms dependent on the child’s age but is not a stressful experience and no preparation is required. It is designed to ensure that we can accommodate the needs of the child. A deposit of OMR 100.000 is charged at the time of assessment. If the child is offered a place this sum is deducted from the Enrolment Fee and is non-refundable under any circumstances. If we are unable to offer a place for the child the money is refunded.
The current fees for 2023-24 are as follows:
Enrolment Fee OMR 750.000
Tuition Fees per annum:
Pre-School to Year 6 OMR 3750.000
School Extras OMR 50.000
Tuition Fees are reviewed annually, they are paid in 2 equal amounts in September and January. Fees must be paid by the due date and instalment plans are not available.
Margaret-Anne Looker
Head Teacher